What is The Adventure Diary all about?
The Adventure Diary is an adventure travel blog, which was created by Lauren Barratt in 2016. It all started when I spent 4 months travelling around Europe in a VW Caddy. With only a bed in the back and a limited fund, I visited 10 countries and only spent £1500 over the 4 months. Learning how to forage, fish, hunt and build fires I was able to live a life I would say is ‘back to basics’.
Whilst travelling I created a website and Instagram account which I shared my adventures on. From there with a lot of time, hard work and a few tears on the way I managed to take The Adventure Diary to a renowned adventure travel blog, with over 16,000 followers on Instagram, 70,000 Pinterest views a month and 2-3,000 website views a week.
The Adventure Diary’s aim is to inspire you to go on your next adventure! No matter how big or small, I wan to our travel blog to inspire you to try something new.
Why is my adventure travel blog different to all the others?
I write from first-hand experience and try to give you as much insight into travelling life and blogging as I can. I’m often told I have a very unique view on life and try to use this to inspire you. Also, being a down to earth blog we are packed with real advice and stuff you can actually use!
As well as this, my blog features real-life topics, issues and discussions. I am an LGBTQ+ advocate and actively travel with my girlfriend, Paisley, and I embed this into my writing. I think it is important that you really get to know the real me, my values and experiences.
The Adventure Diary Story:
In 2016 I travelled with a friend around Europe for 4 months in a VW caddy. Not only was it one of the craziest things I have ever done, but it is also one of the best things I have ever done. Living with pure freedom and the ability to adventure as much as I wanted I felt like I had found true happiness.
I returned to the UK for personal reasons as my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I spent 2 years caring for her before we, unfortunately, lost her. From this, I learnt a lot about life. Specifically how I wanted to live and the importance of work-life balance.
In my beautiful mum’s memory I decided to buy and convert my own van into a campervan. Bilbo the Beast, is a 2001 Sprinter which I converted myself into a self-built camper. I now use this to adventure around Europe with Paisley. We recently returned my a months travel around 8 countries.
The Future:
I continue to work hard to develop The Adventure Diary into an internationally recognised travel blog. As a former teacher, I am also passionate about working with and inspiring young people into blogging. Which meant I added an extra strand to The Adventure Diary, I now go into schools and deliver workshops on social media and digital skills.
You can also check out my motivational talks on Public Speakers Corner.
Learn how you can work with our travel blog:
We work with a number of tourist boards, travel agents and blogs providing a number of services. If you would like to work with The Adventure Diary in this way then please head over to the work with us page to see our media kit.
If you are a school or business looking for a social media workshop then please head over to our educational workshop page.
If you would like to contact me feel free to email me: [email protected] or message me on .
Or head over to our contact page.
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